Saturday, January 23, 2010

Meeting 22/1/2010

Interact had a meeting yesterday (22/1/2010) at 5 Gigih.

Int. Pravin talked about the Recycling Project.
Interactors were being asked to give the old newspaper or recyclable items to the Form Representatives or Int. Pravin himself.
The recyclable items will be stored in 5 Gigih class.

Sekolah Khas Visit .
Date : 7th of February 2010, Sunday.
Time : 8 - 1.30pm
Venue : Southern Park

After the event, ICC meeting will be held in the Sekolah Khas.

Next is the ICC Futsal Competition. (Organized by ICC)

:- RM 80/ team
:- 5 players + 3 subs
:- and please write your full name, no funky name please.
More info, contact Int. Pravin

Interact Club Membership
New members have to pay RM10 for the membership fee and name tag.
The money must be collected by next Wednesday which is 27/1/2010.
And, the name tag must be in full name.

Our IU Day.
It is expected to be held on the 20th of March, 2010. [2pm - 6pm]
HICT Auditorium Hall, Klang
Those who are interested in performing or something related in the Entertainment, find Int. Qusai.
Food N Beverages [ F n B ] -consult Int. Saravanan if you're interested or have any ideas about it.
Publicity, every Interactors are responsible to spread the words and let everyone knows about our IU Day.
Usheres, find Int. Kang Li. He needs 20 volunteers.
Sponsorship, Interactors may go to places to ask for sponsorship for the club's activities. Everyone should take part in this.
Lastly, Security. Those who are big-sized guys, it's time to show that you are able to protect people. Find Int. Sam Chee Keong if you want to take part in the Security role. There's no smoking or fightings going to happen around the HICT Auditorium Hall.

By Int. Hao Jia ( New Editor ) :D


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